AI is a systems technology that has rapidly brought about change worldwide in recent years. The impact of AI on the economy and society is great and is only expected to increase. At the same time, the use of AI raises a variety of ethical (E), legal (L), societal and economic (S) issues (A).
AiNed is strengthening the Dutch knowledge and innovation base to promote the development of new AI applications by Dutch industry and public organizations. One of the instruments to this end is the call AiNed Innovation Labs.
As a systems technology, AI has a major impact on a wide field of industries and the people who work in them. Developments follow each other in rapid succession. The market demands constantly new knowledge and well-trained people.
A strong AI knowledge and innovation base is of great importance to the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connectedness of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe. With the XS Europe call, the AiNed Programme is making a strong contribution to this.
Since Jan. 1, 2025, Netherlands AI Coalition and AiNed have joined forces under the name AI Coalition 4 NL (AIC4NL). Go here to the website of AIC4NL. This is still under development and will be completed in the coming period