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Where can I view a summary version of the AiNed investment program?
A summary of the AiNed Programme can be found on our website (see downloads).
The application of AI requires great care, how is AI applied responsibly?
The program components and thus the projects of the AiNed Programme have explicit requirements regarding 'human-centered AI': explainability, avoidance of bias, explicit involvement of citizens, etc. In addition, there are program components (ELSA Labs) that focus specifically on securing these requirements.
Why is it important to invest so much money in AI?
AI is a rapidly developing key technology that will have a huge impact on our economy and all areas of our societies. It is therefore important to invest timely and sufficiently. With the AiNed Programme we are in the leading group in Europe.


What does the AiNed investment program entail?
The AiNed Programme concerns a multi-year innovation program to keep the Netherlands at the forefront of AI countries and to serve and exploit the interests and opportunities for economy and society. The AiNed Programme is characterized by an integrated approach across the entire value chain, the involvement of all (quadruple helix) stakeholders and a learning approach.
What bottlenecks need to be solved to put the Netherlands in a vanguard position in the field of AI?
These are 5 bottlenecks that need to be addressed in conjunction: 1. Accelerating and scaling AI: innovation in businesses and government. 2. Strengthening the knowledge base: retaining and attracting specialists. 3. Preparing the labor market to work with AI (training). 4. Making the uncertain social aspects of AI manageable: human-centered AI. 5. Facilitating data sharing, for the benefit of AI.
How did the AiNed investment program come about, which parties were involved?
The AiNed Programme was created thanks to contributions from a multitude of stakeholders, partners and participants drawn from the Netherlands AI Coalition ecosystem.
How is the grant from the National Growth Fund spent?
In all cases, the budget from the National Growth Fund is used as a grant to match investments made by private and (semi-)public organizations in research, innovation, training, and building the AI ecosystem. Grant funding follows European and national regulations. Overall, about half is a direct grant contribution to private parties for innovation potential, application, and training. And about half of the grant contribution to knowledge institutions is an indirect contribution to the innovation potential of private parties through learning communities, chain projects, innovation labs, and ELSA Labs.
In what ways can I contribute to the direction of current and future calls?
Formal decision-making on this matter lies with the AiNed Foundation and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. Experts from Netherlands AI Coalition will be asked for advice on content direction and selection criteria. Contributions can therefore be made via the Netherlands AI Coalition.


What is the governance model for spending the honored budget and content development of the AiNed Programme?
The allocation of funds for projects is through the individual grant instruments, but the overall direction of the Programme lies with the AiNed Foundation. The Foundation installs the AiNed Programme Advisory Board with individuals who are experts in one or more of the AiNed subprograms and who are recognized leaders in the relevant field. In daily practice, the AiNed Programme Advisory Board acts as a sounding board, advisor and intermediary for the AiNed Board.
Which parties will be involved in developing the plans included in the AiNed investment program?
The AiNed Foundation is leading the development of the plans. It does so in close consultation with implementing organizations such as RVO and NWO, and with the Ministry of Economic Affairs as budget holder. The Foundation is advised by the Programme Advisory Board and by experts from Netherlands AI Coalition on the substantive direction and project selection criteria for the schemes and calls to be established for all AiNed program components.
On which subprograms will calls be made?
This takes place through the subprograms Knowledge and Innovation Base, People and Skills. Applying AI Systems and Collaborating in the Ecosystem. The AiNed Programme publication (see downloads) provides more information on these subprograms.
In what ways can I contribute to the direction of current and future calls?
Formal decision-making on the matter lies with Stichting AiNed and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. Experts from Netherlands AI Coalition will be asked for advice on the substantive direction and selection criteria. Contributions are therefore possible via the Netherlands AI Coalition.
Which parties can develop project proposals that implement the plans included in the AiNed investment program?
The creation and submission of project proposals is entirely up to the parties who wish to subscribe to various program components and who already meet, for example, in the working groups of the Netherlands AI Coalition and in the regional AI hubs.
How are projects and calls issued from the AiNed Programme ?
Funds are deployed through existing schemes of the implementing organizations RVO and NWO. Mostly through open calls against criteria of the AiNed Programme. Where necessary, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate can make customized decisions, adjustments to existing schemes, and new schemes at the request of and in consultation with the AiNed Foundation.
How are project proposals for calls evaluated?
Submitted project proposals are reviewed by evaluation committees from existing implementing organizations based on the established selection criteria for each call. How project proposals are evaluated is indicated for each call.
Can any party submit a project proposal for a call?
A project proposal can be submitted by any party if the content of the proposal meets the established criteria per call.
Does the AiNed Programme also focus on international cooperation?
Yes. The AiNed Programme serves to put the Netherlands at the forefront of AI countries in an international context, but not in isolation from other countries. There are many topics where something can only be achieved through international cooperation, such as in regulation, quality standards and data sharing. The AiNed Programme contains a specific approach to encouraging and leveraging international cooperation.
How is cooperation with the Netherlands AI Coalition?
The AiNed Programme was initiated and developed by the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC). It gives a temporary boost to the development and application of AI in the Netherlands. The coalition's ambition is to continue as a public-private partnership, and to develop more initiatives for AIProgramme's and projects. It focuses on demand development and demand articulation, project development, knowledge sharing and dissemination, driving collaboration in and across regions through the AI hubs, and internationalization. The NL AIC has no formal responsibility over the implementation of the AiNed Programme, but the NL AIC and AiNed coordinate well with each other within the governance model and processes.
Do the AiNed Programme projects respond to the Sustainable Development Goals?
This must be assessed on a project-by-project basis, but it is certain that AI can make a significant positive contribution to achieving these goals and is one of the criteria for award.
What is the status of the allocation of the 188 million budget to which conditions were attached from the National Growth Fund?
A revised plan was submitted. In April 2022, the National Growth Fund accepted the assessment committee's recommendation, awarding the first phase of the AiNed Programme a total of 204.5 million euros.


How do I stay informed about activities and calls from the AiNed Programme?
You can check the website for this (news section) and follow the AiNed's social media channels Programme (LinkedIn and Twitter).
Where can I find more information about the other National Growth Fund projects?
For this, please refer to the National Growth Fund website.
I have a question that does not appear in the Frequently Asked Questions overview, who can I ask?
You can contact our Communications Department for this purpose .
I am looking for a speaker for an event or meeting, who can I approach for this?
You can contact our Communications Department for this purpose .
Who can I approach for collaboration on a press article or expression?
You can contact our Communications Department for this purpose .
Public funding for the AiNed Programme comes from the National Growth Fund. Part of AiNed is refinanced through the EU Recovery and Resilience Plan. Namely: Fellowship Grants, AI R&D projects from the EU KDT (Key Digital Technologies) Programme, ELSA Labs and Learning Communities.