Home " News " Announcement start MIT AI call for AI projects SMEs

Announcement start MIT AI call for AI projects SMEs

Subject to publication in the Government Gazette, the national MIT AI call (RVO 2023) to support AI projects of SMEs will start on March 21, 2023. The purpose of this MIT scheme is to stimulate AI innovation power in the Netherlands and accelerate the application of newly developed AI technology. This scheme is supported from the National Growth Fund Programme AiNed. The scheme is designed in cooperation with regional organizations.

SME support from the AiNed Programme

AI applications contribute directly to economic prosperity, social welfare and solving major societal challenges. SMEs, including many startups, have an important economic and innovative role in this. Research shows that SMEs face many barriers in applying AI. To bridge the gap for SMEs between the knowledge base and application in AI innovations, the MIT AI call is part of the AiNed Programme.

Planning and conditions

As an SME entrepreneur, do you want to get started with innovation projects in the field of AI? Then this scheme may be for you. Consult the information brochure if you are interested in participating. Subject to publication in the Government Gazette, this scheme will start on March 21, 2023, submission is possible until May 9, 2023. You can soon apply for the AI theme grant for a small or a large R&D cooperation project.

One of the conditions is that the project offers a demonstrably new solution for one or more application areas of the Netherlands AI Coalition. Detailed information on the planning and conditions of the scheme will be made available on the RFO website when the scheme is set up.


Published: 16/03/2023
Focus areas: AI
Published: 16/03/2023