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Update development of AiNed Chain project 

The AiNed Programme will fund one chain project during 2023 from the National Growth Fund funds. The principles for chain projects and the plan of action to arrive at the selection of one chain project were launched in the Program Team of the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC).


Development of the chain project has now begun and a frequently asked questions survey has been prepared, among other things. See the updated overview dated September 2022.

Multidisciplinary approach

For innovation in AI, it is essential to design technological and non-technological aspects simultaneously. Much innovation still happens within one or two organizations while many more parties are directly involved in the research, development and application of AI. Therefore, AiNed Foundation comes with a multidisciplinary approach in which technological, economic, social, legal aspects are included from the start, The value chain is the starting point.


Companies and other organizations interested are advised to contact the relevant working group or AI hub of the Netherlands AI Coalition. For more information on the principles and plan of action ( including an information brochure, the format and the FAQs (update September 2022)), The selection of chain projects will not use an NWO call or a tender through RVO.

Published: 30/09/2022
Focus areas:
Published: 30/09/2022