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Netherlands in the leading group of AI countries for prosperity and well-being

THAT is the goal of the Netherlands AI Coalition and AiNed Foundation. During a strategic session during the NL AI Congress we will take you through this shared vision and ambition, and the steps we are taking to achieve this goal. Will you be there on April 12, 2023 in Utrecht?

From driving to implementation

The theme of the Dutch AI Congress is "From Booster to Implementation. With an inspiring Programme, with ample opportunity for interaction and networking. During a multitude of substantive sessions you will be taken through the facets needed to take the development and application of AI in the Netherlands to the next level. With topics that are part of the AiNed approach and where we put our shoulders to the wheel together with the Netherlands AI Coalition . Think of the ELSA Labs, the Learning communities and one of the three selected chain projects: 'AI for Diagnostics And Maintenance'.

Interested in attending the NL AI Congress?

Would you like to attend this interesting event on April 12, 2023? This year, for the first time, the congress is also open to interested parties who are not (yet) participants of Netherlands AI Coalition . Look here for more information about the Programme and how to register.

Published: 06/04/2023
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