Researching problems that only become relevant in the future: that is the fate of pioneers. And as a pioneer in Natural Language Understanding, Massimo Poesio knows it all too well. "Ten or 20 years ago, when I explained what I was doing to a room full of computer scientists, although they found it interesting, they didn't immediately see the point. Since then, that has completely turned around.
As the entrepreneurial Director Ecosystem of AICoalitie4NL, you will help companies, knowledge institutions and government organizations to take essential steps in the field of AI faster, thus helping the Netherlands progress economically and socially. Interested in this versatile role?
One of the main goals of the AiNed Programme is to strengthen the position of SMEs with regard to the development and application of AI. A total of 57 proposals were submitted in the AiNed MIT AI call in 2024, of which 14 were honored with a total grant budget of €3,550,000. With this, the AiNed Programme provides an important impetus for AI projects for and by SMEs.
This year's AI, Data and Robotics Forum (ADRF) will take place Nov. 4 and 5 in the Netherlands. Key industry players, researchers, policy makers and leading speakers will gather at the Evoluon in Eindhoven during those days to help shape the future of AI, data and robotics in Europe. The ADR Forum invites you to submit a proposal for a workshop.
The following 10 groundbreaking research projects have been honored from the call AiNed XS Europe. A strong AI knowledge and innovation base is of great importance to the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connectedness of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe.
Ready to break barriers and take your AI scale-up to new heights? During the exclusive session "Breaking Barriers to scale-up" during the Netherlands AI Congress, a preview was given of the Breaking Barriers Programme. This focuses on scaling up AI startups and streamlines the journey from regional startup to national professionalization and eventually European scale-up.
On Feb. 29, the AiNed calls for proposals Learning Communities 2024 and Innovation Labs 2024 were published. The first step to apply for these calls was to submit an abbreviated proposal. AiNed is pleased with the large number of abbreviated proposals submitted and looks forward with interest to the further development of the proposals into final applications.
The following 10 groundbreaking research projects have been honored from the call AiNed XS Europe. A strong AI knowledge and innovation base is of great importance to the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connectedness of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe.
Noise pollution is a common problem. The good news: through the use of sensors and hybrid AI, constant monitoring and automatic recognition of different types of sounds is now a real option. Munisense, Peutz and Embedded Acoustics are currently pulling together to take that technology further so that it will actually be possible to take long-term measurements and use AI to determine the type and origin of sound.
The Netherlands has the potential to become a frontrunner in the development of Generative Artificial Intelligence, but this requires a joint effort in a European and Dutch context from government and industry. This is according to the report launched today, "Generative AI: Europe's Quest for Regulation and Industry Leadership," developed by EIT Digital, the driver of the ICT sector in Europe, and the National Growth Fund Programme AiNed.
Since Jan. 1, 2025, Netherlands AI Coalition and AiNed have joined forces under the name AI Coalition 4 NL (AIC4NL). Go here to the website of AIC4NL. This is still under development and will be completed in the coming period