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AiNed board strengthened with appointment of Saskia Vlaar

The AiNed Foundation board is pleased to welcome Saskia Vlaar as a new board member. She joins the board with a focus area of People and Skills, such as the Programme Learning communities, effective June 15, 2023.

Saskia is an econometrician and in her career has held various leadership and managerial roles in both the private and semi-public sectors. All with a significant innovative component focused on the transformation of a sector or part of an ecosystem.

Saskia Vlaar: "I am convinced that realizing a change or transformation based on a system technology like AI is also primarily people work and from this perspective I am happy to commit myself to AiNed and its ambition." Willem Jonker, chairman of the AiNed board, wishes her every success on behalf of the team: "We are very much looking forward to the cooperation and look forward to her valuable contribution to the AiNed Programme from her expertise and experience."

About Saskia Vlaar

Saskia started her career at KPN, where she was successively Researcher, Project Leader and R&D Manager Network Planning. She then held various leadership roles at TNO, including Manager Mobile Networks, Secretary of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board, and Director of Research of the Defense Technology and ICT research clusters. Subsequently, she worked at Shell, including as General Manager Digital Innovation, where she worked closely with large technology companies and startups on the implementation of new technologies such as AI, Data Analytics, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things, Robotics, Machine Vision and Blockchain.

In addition to her role at AINed, Saskia's positions include Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SURF, where she also chairs the Remuneration, Nomination and Innovation Committee. In addition, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of Emixa and the Supervisory Board of the Noordwest Hospital Group, where she also chairs the Digital Transformation Committee.

Published: 19/06/2023
Focus areas:
Published: 19/06/2023