Home " News " Announcement of AiNed Innovation Labs (2024 AiNed Foundation call)

Announcement AiNed Innovation Labs (2024 AiNed Foundation call)

AiNed is strengthening the Dutch knowledge and innovation base to promote the development of new AI applications by Dutch industry and public organizations. One of the instruments to this end is the deployment of AiNed Innovation Labs.

InnovationLabs are public-private partnerships focused on the development of AI innovations and the associated knowledge transfer and application to business and guiding knowledge development. The AiNed InnovationLabs focus in particular on innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups and scale-ups in the application areas listed below.

Purpose and principles

The goal of these labs is to rapidly develop AI knowledge from the basic level to a stage of technology validation and demonstration in specific applications. In the AiNed Innovation Labs, AI knowledge and experience from knowledge institutions and (deep) tech companies is brought together into concrete and usable AI techniques, models, tools and prototypes for which there is a clear need among participating companies.

This enables these companies to bring AI innovations to the market faster and more effectively. This approach also generates new questions that the participating knowledge institutions and (deep) tech companies can use to guide their research and development.


An Innovation Lab focuses on a specific application area and deliberately selects AI technology topics that are relevant and urgent for innovations in this application area. The chosen application areas for this call are (1) health and care, (2) mobility, transportation and logistics, (3) technical industry and (4) energy and sustainability.

Who is the Innovation Lab for?

There are many parties that can participate in one of the Innovation Labs. Two roles are distinguished here: core partners and flexible partners. In addition to participating parties, a third important role is the management of the InnovationLab. These roles are explained in more detail in the information brochure.

Grant scheme and planning

The total grant budget for the AiNed Innovation Labs 2024 call for proposals is approximately 21 million euros. Two rounds of awards will be organized. The first round of this call for proposals is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2024 with the aim of awarding the first InnovationLabs before the summer.


View the information brochure to learn more about the intended content of the call, principles and conditions. The announcement of the call will be communicated through the AiNed website. The content of this news release and the information brochure is subject to the determination of the content of the final regulation and therefore it is not possible to derive any rights from it.

Published: 22/12/2023
Focus areas: AI
Published: 22/12/2023