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Proof of concept chain project AI for the Future Energy System

More solar panels, wind turbines, electric cars and heat pumps are needed to meet the Dutch climate ambition. These components of the energy transition require large investments in the Dutch electricity grid, up to 102 billion euros by 2050 [PwC, 2021]. However, the grid is already running up against its limits in many places, meaning that new opportunities to generate sustainable energy or energy users have to wait a long time until there is space on the grid. To accelerate the next steps of energy transition, better use must be made of grid capacity. This will be possible if we manage to match energy supply and demand and make smart use of the extra space on the grid when it is available.

Effectively matching supply and demand

To effectively match supply and demand, it is important to proactively gather insight into expected generation and consumption. This can be done by having AI algorithms analyze data from various sources, such as weather forecasts, energy production and patterns of energy consumption. This allows the AI algorithm to learn to predict variations in demand (generation) and consumption so that it can respond proactively. This allows grid operators to work with market participants to better manage flows on the grid. This reduces costs and increases the stability and reliability of the grid. This makes the use of AI crucial to making better use of the electricity grid.

Joining forces ecosystem

Network operators, knowledge institutions and market parties have joined forces to this end and, with the help of AiNed, have launched the project "AI for the Future Energy System. In the first six-month phase, a Proof-of-Concept (POC) will be realized, in which market parties, regional and national grid operators simulate by means of a concrete case how the grid can be optimally balanced and transport capacity can be made optimally available to market parties. Experts in the field of energy data exchange help to realize this in a standard way, while experts from knowledge institutions ensure that the POC uses and connects to the academic state-of-the-art.

Participating parties are Alliander, Tennet, CWI, TUD, HvA, SIA Partners, MFFBAS and Giga Storage.